hive n. 1.蜂巢,蜂房,蜂箱。 2.蜂群。 3.蜂巢状物。 4.热闹场所;熙攘的人群。 a hive of industry 繁忙的工厂区。 vt. 1.使(蜂)入蜂箱,贮(蜜)于蜂箱中。 2.贮备,积蓄。 3.使(人)安居家中。 vi. 1.(蜂)进蜂箱,栖巢中。 2.同栖聚居。 hive off (养蜂)分封;〔比喻〕从团体中分出来成为独立的[自治的]部分。
They hived off the youngest campers into another tent 他们把年幼的露营者分到另一个帐篷里去。
The director decide to hive off some part of the work and start new firm 董事们决定分出部分业务,另成立新公司。
Tom has hived off again 汤姆又不辞而别了。
Next year, the biochemistry section will hive off to form an independent department 明年生物化学组要分出去,单独成为一个系。
If we can't meet the schedule, we can hive off some of the work to another firm 如果我们不能按期完成,我们可以分出一些工作给另外一个公司。
The chocolate factory would often hive off some of its production to a sub-contractor during the busy period before christmas 这个巧克力厂在圣诞节前的繁忙时期常常把一些生产任务分给转包人去做。
Xiao saw this as a great opportunity as the unit axt would hive off was among the world's best in terms of technology and owned over 30 international patents 晓认为这是一个绝好的机会,因为axt将出卖的营业(经营业务)在技术方面位居世界第一,而且拥有超过30个专利技术
Given that the scope of the health, welfare and food bureau " hwfb " s existing policy portfolio is too wide, whether the government plans to restructure the bureau and hive off some of its functions; if so, of the details of the plan; if not, the reasons for that 鉴于现时生福利及食物局"福局"的工作范畴众多,政府有否计划重整该局的架构及分拆其部分职能若有,计划的详情若否原因为何